condition mean min max Egg cell 37.927580999999996 9.70751 64.2755 Ovule 12.594161923076923 7.14331 18.4401 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 46.13256666666667 44.4948 48.3436 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 54.5884 43.736 64.6623 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 46.9651 40.3653 52.7099 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 63.969633333333334 53.6978 78.018 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 61.0552 43.3111 72.9548 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 63.62853333333333 45.2589 78.3693 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 32.541466666666665 16.8971 52.152 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 6.27628 5.50498 7.51604 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 5.96637 2.26646 12.9077 Sperm 19.238566666666667 15.8671 22.8894 Pollen tube (Col-0) 14.073 12.1938 17.6308 Flower (receptacles) 57.1272625 53.786 60.8792 Flower (floral buds) 49.7073 49.7073 49.7073 Flower (sepals) 93.6679 29.9717 158.847 Flower (petals) 134.45749999999998 127.215 141.7 Flower (stamen filaments) 181.84949999999998 165.82 197.879 Flower (anthers) 87.32703333333333 33.8094 137.158 Flower (carpels) 17.039810714285714 7.41496 33.8906 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 36.23585 35.874 36.5977 Pedicel 34.905550000000005 34.0949 35.7162 Axis of the inflorescence 10.250074999999999 9.70385 10.7963 Silique 34.39273333333333 23.0199 45.3094 Silique (senescent) 392.42949999999996 368.957 415.902 Pods of siliques 54.184425000000005 30.444 108.254 Pods of siliques (senescent) 508.1605 507.528 508.793 Embryo 15.2554 15.2554 15.2554 Endosperm 54.532 12.7305 73.4122 Seed 434.9575 296.051 576.521 Seed (young) 19.91326 16.3964 25.4769 Seed (germinating) 148.16041666666666 80.577 198.221 Seedling 267.2461 43.2615 429.825 Seedling (etiolated) 540.7051666666666 489.339 602.294 Meristem 14.823095333333333 4.00246 30.6782 Stem (internode) 21.28405 19.7754 22.7927 Stem (internode, senescent) 139.0605 132.094 146.027 Stems 83.0680338235294 26.2361 184.125 Leaf (rosette) 330.4424785714286 83.6507 488.775 Epidermis cells 219.469 196.456 242.482 Mature guard cells 1050.645 1006.77 1094.52 Root (differentiation zone) 411.894 411.894 411.894 Root (elongation zone) 132.8134 75.9828 189.644 Root (meristematic zone) 37.3921 37.3921 37.3921 Root (apex) 175.73250000000002 142.714 208.751 Root (stele) 105.347 105.347 105.347 Root (QC cells) 199.23722916666668 0.19833 449.233 Root (tip) 36.6327 28.1434 41.7612