condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	70.30797	17.503	185.194
Ovule	73.92650384615385	53.8539	95.1163
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	20.8765	19.8293	21.4159
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	23.32956666666667	20.099	27.706
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	23.73496666666667	21.8142	25.8381
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	21.785766666666667	14.9673	25.8958
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	24.4866	20.0725	28.5031
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	15.917666666666667	12.7768	18.701
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	12.681803333333333	9.04321	18.7734
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	8.59296	7.3918	10.2385
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	7.76851	6.16483	9.57121
Sperm	1.51758	1.00785	2.15094
Pollen tube (Col-0)	7.1782	6.58863	7.99598
Flower (receptacles)	70.44825	67.9617	73.5311
Flower (floral buds)	49.6888	49.6888	49.6888
Flower (sepals)	64.85662500000001	55.649	75.0783
Flower (petals)	64.61675	63.5538	65.6797
Flower (stamen filaments)	49.095	46.7364	51.4536
Flower (anthers)	46.63238333333334	37.3893	65.3072
Flower (carpels)	92.36628571428571	71.9064	115.404
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	62.64575000000001	59.2027	66.0888
Pedicel	64.0218	61.7182	66.3254
Axis of the inflorescence	88.3606	81.1749	95.5463
Silique	53.5743	39.1383	70.8465
Silique (senescent)	41.207899999999995	36.4747	45.9411
Pods of siliques	56.0516125	43.7173	64.2306
Pods of siliques (senescent)	86.11834999999999	85.5769	86.6598
Embryo	105.251	105.251	105.251
Endosperm	56.775800000000004	48.1076	68.64
Seed	29.076275000000003	27.2432	32.0831
Seed (young)	76.31525	61.0677	97.3779
Seed (germinating)	70.88781666666667	45.5034	97.9674
Seedling	37.09906	26.7372	44.2236
Seedling (etiolated)	63.9164	55.0026	96.8609
Meristem	83.15617	24.7443	117.737
Stem (internode)	50.58575	50.1579	51.0136
Stem (internode, senescent)	59.42245	59.1256	59.7193
Stems	52.192414705882356	27.7084	68.9395
Leaf (rosette)	80.27005	28.7039	117.352
Epidermis cells	21.3613	18.9324	23.7902
Mature guard cells	83.77945	80.8705	86.6884
Root (differentiation zone)	65.7565	65.7565	65.7565
Root (elongation zone)	45.280249999999995	42.482	48.0785
Root (meristematic zone)	74.9397	74.9397	74.9397
Root (apex)	68.10679999999999	64.9964	71.2172
Root (stele)	69.0081	69.0081	69.0081
Root (QC cells)	68.24846618333333	0.0960472	357.882
Root (tip)	44.30996666666667	30.8668	52.8395