condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	15.4561591	0.0	29.4867
Ovule	43.054226923076925	31.6042	60.4734
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	18.759766666666668	16.2702	20.7155
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	22.649166666666666	16.4782	27.9769
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	18.4115	15.8345	23.4046
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	16.3995	13.5067	19.1577
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	25.3514	22.2636	30.1815
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	4.395696666666667	3.84154	5.29842
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	13.929066666666667	13.7238	14.2827
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	2.3381600000000002	1.76739	3.09931
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	11.065233333333333	10.1141	12.0269
Sperm	8.826015	7.31339	10.2004
Pollen tube (Col-0)	10.31802	9.14085	12.2989
Flower (receptacles)	27.308025	24.6559	31.2843
Flower (floral buds)	26.5694	26.5694	26.5694
Flower (sepals)	15.9753	12.6777	19.0423
Flower (petals)	18.568649999999998	18.3497	18.7876
Flower (stamen filaments)	20.114600000000003	20.0376	20.1916
Flower (anthers)	10.032494999999999	4.51642	18.4151
Flower (carpels)	25.361042857142856	20.0647	29.6121
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	28.81485	27.3918	30.2379
Pedicel	16.6417	16.0258	17.2576
Axis of the inflorescence	22.068350000000002	21.8721	22.2646
Silique	21.873944444444444	19.0733	26.9685
Silique (senescent)	7.80306	7.57972	8.0264
Pods of siliques	19.54265	15.362	25.9182
Pods of siliques (senescent)	20.803849999999997	19.833	21.7747
Embryo	23.2306	23.2306	23.2306
Endosperm	34.62278	15.3932	47.6771
Seed	7.8437025	5.42396	10.1036
Seed (young)	32.50506	24.7631	36.9327
Seed (germinating)	19.575083333333332	16.9232	21.5106
Seedling	14.69532	10.1285	21.7508
Seedling (etiolated)	13.395233333333334	10.4963	14.481
Meristem	33.300086666666665	23.1194	45.6233
Stem (internode)	16.40865	15.6175	17.1998
Stem (internode, senescent)	20.18665	19.5033	20.87
Stems	21.619626029411766	9.68267	35.5022
Leaf (rosette)	12.58576	5.81315	17.2893
Epidermis cells	0.3289705	0.311182	0.346759
Mature guard cells	1.8137925	0.638985	2.9886
Root (differentiation zone)	18.9482	18.9482	18.9482
Root (elongation zone)	18.56905	15.5999	21.5382
Root (meristematic zone)	20.1177	20.1177	20.1177
Root (apex)	24.71015	24.6935	24.7268
Root (stele)	4.48068	4.48068	4.48068
Root (QC cells)	22.29472355	0.0	249.046
Root (tip)	17.391466666666666	15.6831	18.4234