condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	0.330981	0.0	1.66823
Ovule	0.7083508	0.0	5.68856
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	6.31982	3.62999	8.11361
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	0.8979076666666667	0.494899	1.50779
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	1.8680566666666667	1.09975	2.94663
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	4.995486666666666	3.32981	8.0308
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	0.528815	0.445208	0.692433
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	212.60876666666667	73.7261	486.405
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	572.8616666666667	170.436	1272.33
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	1659.75	1281.0	2018.03
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	1757.1533333333334	1406.11	1964.9
Sperm	8.532261666666667	5.43077	11.0503
Pollen tube (Col-0)	149.6917	34.3681	297.813
Flower (receptacles)	5.778765	2.01821	9.87895
Flower (floral buds)	12.538	12.538	12.538
Flower (sepals)	0.41305712499999997	0.0509565	0.806573
Flower (petals)	0.49689150000000004	0.36494	0.628843
Flower (stamen filaments)	3.62648	1.85555	5.39741
Flower (anthers)	374.39750000000004	0.0	708.071
Flower (carpels)	6.498458757142857	0.0	24.4895
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	0.106867	0.037579	0.176155
Pedicel	0.02487235	0.0	0.0497447
Axis of the inflorescence	0.0505305	0.0	0.101061
Silique	6.227178888888889	3.01685	10.877
Silique (senescent)	1.7792050000000001	1.56426	1.99415
Pods of siliques	3.33482125	1.71783	4.88419
Pods of siliques (senescent)	11.529060000000001	8.02862	15.0295
Embryo	0.0	0.0	0.0
Endosperm	0.10809896000000001	0.0	0.351424
Seed	0.13954235	0.0	0.315718
Seed (young)	1.887438	0.46755	5.43482
Seed (germinating)	0.0313655	0.0	0.188193
Seedling	0.0136138	0.0	0.068069
Seedling (etiolated)	0.0	0.0	0.0
Meristem	0.11362083333333332	0.0	1.20918
Stem (internode)	0.0	0.0	0.0
Stem (internode, senescent)	0.288866	0.213737	0.363995
Stems	0.06531377647058824	0.0	0.692345
Leaf (rosette)	0.8249938285714286	0.0	3.66455
Epidermis cells	0.0	0.0	0.0
Mature guard cells	0.0	0.0	0.0
Root (differentiation zone)	0.0480732	0.0480732	0.0480732
Root (elongation zone)	0.0	0.0	0.0
Root (meristematic zone)	0.0	0.0	0.0
Root (apex)	0.0	0.0	0.0
Root (stele)	0.0	0.0	0.0
Root (QC cells)	0.0	0.0	0.0
Root (tip)	0.0	0.0	0.0