condition mean min max Egg cell 48.91717 5.25373 154.829 Ovule 24.43186923076923 15.1539 29.2757 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 47.2061 44.6567 48.6275 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 53.38073333333333 52.188 55.1035 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 37.71893333333333 28.575 42.927 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 12.124533333333334 11.4853 13.0018 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 45.21653333333334 32.6163 52.0298 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 0.47311533333333333 0.304151 0.580551 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 0.32929766666666666 0.205171 0.483219 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.32869360000000003 0.111288 0.726942 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.6200886666666666 0.103394 1.60781 Sperm 0.011499966666666667 0.0 0.0213836 Pollen tube (Col-0) 2.39902 1.25891 3.27335 Flower (receptacles) 20.8018125 18.3937 23.9991 Flower (floral buds) 24.2595 24.2595 24.2595 Flower (sepals) 13.157824999999999 11.3328 14.9284 Flower (petals) 12.7818 12.4264 13.1372 Flower (stamen filaments) 11.95665 11.8657 12.0476 Flower (anthers) 8.308113333333333 1.03353 24.0315 Flower (carpels) 30.61595714285714 22.0643 36.5673 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 16.57505 15.4418 17.7083 Pedicel 25.6584 24.1893 27.1275 Axis of the inflorescence 40.0817 38.0444 42.119 Silique 12.21322 8.65912 15.5009 Silique (senescent) 11.241050000000001 10.025 12.4571 Pods of siliques 10.87665 8.51338 15.0153 Pods of siliques (senescent) 8.10944 7.89928 8.3196 Embryo 33.8664 33.8664 33.8664 Endosperm 18.94318 7.86089 26.1423 Seed 6.851845 5.15773 8.04581 Seed (young) 26.1582 18.5385 38.8927 Seed (germinating) 31.37925 14.7458 44.909 Seedling 14.92643 8.14042 27.8842 Seedling (etiolated) 12.943083333333334 10.4947 18.0563 Meristem 31.23551 11.7309 54.9889 Stem (internode) 16.29955 15.7794 16.8197 Stem (internode, senescent) 23.8637 23.3189 24.4085 Stems 22.045666470588234 3.38772 47.6781 Leaf (rosette) 15.130978571428571 10.7595 21.5409 Epidermis cells 3.0178000000000003 1.41886 4.61674 Mature guard cells 4.9257349999999995 3.12746 6.72401 Root (differentiation zone) 13.0343 13.0343 13.0343 Root (elongation zone) 13.131585000000001 6.79537 19.4678 Root (meristematic zone) 57.8439 57.8439 57.8439 Root (apex) 34.88985 29.5228 40.2569 Root (stele) 9.06351 9.06351 9.06351 Root (QC cells) 26.472973375 0.0 199.411 Root (tip) 38.815466666666666 27.175 46.1359