condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	7.53535	0.0	24.4302
Ovule	16.467723461538462	6.79061	25.202
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	10.529146666666666	8.44014	12.4983
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	8.143916666666666	5.93347	12.5381
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	10.450913333333334	8.63324	11.4196
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	17.1916	14.6076	19.5137
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	7.2597233333333335	3.78349	11.915
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	267.66833333333335	199.08	398.584
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	633.3716666666667	330.135	1060.39
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	873.4956	694.953	1033.37
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	1353.2633333333333	1086.59	1554.45
Sperm	5.085286666666667	4.15238	5.61767
Pollen tube (Col-0)	116.33133333333333	105.073	136.603
Flower (receptacles)	19.2634125	16.0648	22.8978
Flower (floral buds)	72.2012	72.2012	72.2012
Flower (sepals)	23.777975	12.5147	37.4264
Flower (petals)	60.953599999999994	56.861	65.0462
Flower (stamen filaments)	36.621849999999995	34.2422	39.0015
Flower (anthers)	294.6746783333333	5.85196	514.308
Flower (carpels)	13.935874285714286	3.74728	27.8507
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	18.81675	16.3303	21.3032
Pedicel	12.255099999999999	11.8819	12.6283
Axis of the inflorescence	7.48484	7.2012	7.76848
Silique	26.035577777777778	21.0896	31.6164
Silique (senescent)	7.516325	7.24565	7.787
Pods of siliques	29.6879125	22.2891	36.2382
Pods of siliques (senescent)	24.22085	20.4862	27.9555
Embryo	4.5843	4.5843	4.5843
Endosperm	12.589501	4.76131	38.4062
Seed	6.87629	6.3836	7.23352
Seed (young)	8.692466	6.17722	11.9901
Seed (germinating)	28.945516666666666	19.493	35.2613
Seedling	18.65126	11.5854	25.1634
Seedling (etiolated)	36.199799999999996	32.5873	43.3792
Meristem	2.996713326666667	0.0640418	7.27662
Stem (internode)	18.20945	17.6879	18.731
Stem (internode, senescent)	8.02965	8.02256	8.03674
Stems	15.03649705882353	3.61836	39.5701
Leaf (rosette)	12.393894285714286	5.85337	24.5137
Epidermis cells	12.52075	11.1597	13.8818
Mature guard cells	174.6678	74.8256	274.51
Root (differentiation zone)	35.9435	35.9435	35.9435
Root (elongation zone)	69.3483	58.739	79.9576
Root (meristematic zone)	14.8163	14.8163	14.8163
Root (apex)	26.8381	26.6487	27.0275
Root (stele)	1.81711	1.81711	1.81711
Root (QC cells)	13.1441940075	0.0	156.462
Root (tip)	28.027633333333334	23.5297	31.3608