condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	15.087733400000001	0.0	41.3307
Ovule	44.41738076923077	33.0062	54.5094
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	27.56383333333333	24.4392	31.7852
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	27.475566666666666	25.7232	28.4059
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	20.218566666666668	18.5789	21.8514
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	17.553433333333334	15.1928	19.2729
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	23.7725	22.4665	25.9602
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	16.55656666666667	14.2611	18.1537
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	18.64623333333333	12.8921	22.6236
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	11.28194	10.5608	12.2754
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	14.861133333333333	13.9876	15.3535
Sperm	2.1992916666666664	2.00425	2.63496
Pollen tube (Col-0)	7.36452	3.56448	10.6183
Flower (receptacles)	38.1773125	36.065	41.6167
Flower (floral buds)	46.9681	46.9681	46.9681
Flower (sepals)	27.406875	26.5919	28.5598
Flower (petals)	28.47225	27.1788	29.7657
Flower (stamen filaments)	36.67655	35.04	38.3131
Flower (anthers)	20.756166666666665	13.2674	31.1395
Flower (carpels)	51.1772	30.3771	90.9805
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	50.135850000000005	49.2096	51.0621
Pedicel	22.7247	22.6647	22.7847
Axis of the inflorescence	24.27565	23.2051	25.3462
Silique	37.227755555555554	27.6631	48.699
Silique (senescent)	12.20985	11.5267	12.893
Pods of siliques	34.4145375	23.4504	44.9343
Pods of siliques (senescent)	45.61025	43.6834	47.5371
Embryo	49.1439	49.1439	49.1439
Endosperm	25.13669	10.3911	116.905
Seed	8.883045	6.72523	11.7953
Seed (young)	35.76377	30.6248	42.4342
Seed (germinating)	24.41155	19.2096	28.9807
Seedling	30.985	22.7673	40.3871
Seedling (etiolated)	48.893766666666664	41.3213	61.2685
Meristem	34.99827	25.6784	47.7676
Stem (internode)	51.935500000000005	49.8731	53.9979
Stem (internode, senescent)	54.65675	52.8392	56.4743
Stems	46.262435294117644	25.2668	77.5135
Leaf (rosette)	67.09768571428572	18.7124	93.7776
Epidermis cells	11.224625	5.63905	16.8102
Mature guard cells	19.2198	17.8617	20.5779
Root (differentiation zone)	46.3025	46.3025	46.3025
Root (elongation zone)	49.69085	48.1692	51.2125
Root (meristematic zone)	32.4184	32.4184	32.4184
Root (apex)	30.135399999999997	29.2474	31.0234
Root (stele)	44.4656	44.4656	44.4656
Root (QC cells)	31.475877216666664	0.0	160.551
Root (tip)	21.8472	20.9852	22.3956