condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	48.07651	10.8528	152.843
Ovule	32.8434	20.7471	47.1727
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	31.23626666666667	29.6204	34.1439
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	38.2669	34.5804	41.0739
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	37.147	33.6424	40.6203
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	35.800399999999996	27.2978	40.5249
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	40.278999999999996	30.8973	47.7835
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	2.144633333333333	1.60813	2.47559
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	2.3724366666666667	1.14766	3.06917
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	0.484308	0.114811	1.12494
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	1.2092213333333333	0.0	3.04099
Sperm	0.6047726666666666	0.170901	1.10575
Pollen tube (Col-0)	0.7082090000000001	0.140408	1.73798
Flower (receptacles)	34.286500000000004	31.4472	37.7628
Flower (floral buds)	54.5295	54.5295	54.5295
Flower (sepals)	28.715875	26.9856	30.0295
Flower (petals)	39.783	37.0682	42.4978
Flower (stamen filaments)	55.98605	55.2605	56.7116
Flower (anthers)	15.190698333333334	2.81161	36.0111
Flower (carpels)	39.18539285714286	32.3382	48.3223
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	51.91135	51.7101	52.1126
Pedicel	31.351399999999998	30.7857	31.9171
Axis of the inflorescence	47.66775	47.1548	48.1807
Silique	34.07523333333333	29.8693	38.2532
Silique (senescent)	26.2848	25.0375	27.5321
Pods of siliques	29.6152375	23.9141	36.6867
Pods of siliques (senescent)	18.44305	17.0002	19.8859
Embryo	23.1825	23.1825	23.1825
Endosperm	12.615336	5.47362	24.1269
Seed	34.4655	27.4252	42.5465
Seed (young)	47.96008	37.3139	57.1629
Seed (germinating)	32.064083333333336	25.0692	38.0847
Seedling	17.904266	7.18323	34.4333
Seedling (etiolated)	26.207349999999998	22.5778	29.9559
Meristem	45.705283333333334	18.026	65.1391
Stem (internode)	45.27345	45.27	45.2769
Stem (internode, senescent)	37.0225	34.7235	39.3215
Stems	36.50269558823529	13.7547	65.6769
Leaf (rosette)	17.411264285714285	13.5411	24.1661
Epidermis cells	3.683745	1.04393	6.32356
Mature guard cells	5.941465	4.1299	7.75303
Root (differentiation zone)	44.3297	44.3297	44.3297
Root (elongation zone)	35.9562	30.8302	41.0822
Root (meristematic zone)	32.9965	32.9965	32.9965
Root (apex)	48.17885	45.8588	50.4989
Root (stele)	115.732	115.732	115.732
Root (QC cells)	49.5166263	0.0192361	177.161
Root (tip)	32.9067	30.4779	35.2208