condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	20.971045	8.17664	40.7195
Ovule	16.442473076923076	10.9979	27.037
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	16.681966666666668	15.295	17.6604
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	19.008	16.5612	21.6776
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	13.413033333333333	13.0306	13.7501
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	6.862146666666667	5.44658	8.04757
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	16.843256666666665	8.57057	21.1667
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	0.9765463333333333	0.413425	1.51665
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	1.7386566666666665	1.3247	2.0302
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	0.39951760000000003	0.161	0.790493
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	1.2267433333333333	1.01988	1.54596
Sperm	3.6887916666666665	2.9486	4.37066
Pollen tube (Col-0)	0.43336066666666667	0.185391	0.739981
Flower (receptacles)	8.08083875	6.67516	9.16445
Flower (floral buds)	15.4218	15.4218	15.4218
Flower (sepals)	9.11445	7.38304	10.8064
Flower (petals)	8.45526	7.50706	9.40346
Flower (stamen filaments)	5.19866	5.13934	5.25798
Flower (anthers)	4.064500333333333	0.538201	12.8023
Flower (carpels)	20.494185714285713	10.5167	42.0655
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	10.5769	9.2331	11.9207
Pedicel	7.46964	7.40582	7.53346
Axis of the inflorescence	9.255245	9.14639	9.3641
Silique	8.739046666666667	6.7258	11.7274
Silique (senescent)	5.209569999999999	4.90715	5.51199
Pods of siliques	9.01677875	6.5266	12.198
Pods of siliques (senescent)	8.536325	7.02055	10.0521
Embryo	12.3373	12.3373	12.3373
Endosperm	21.87048	10.7892	27.5388
Seed	5.456887500000001	4.34755	6.18539
Seed (young)	11.14211	3.60965	15.7757
Seed (germinating)	7.752473333333333	5.45596	11.0476
Seedling	6.081542	3.69989	9.65831
Seedling (etiolated)	6.620751666666667	3.9529	18.3081
Meristem	7.643960966666667	0.132869	16.3537
Stem (internode)	8.13823	7.99946	8.277
Stem (internode, senescent)	14.38985	13.4258	15.3539
Stems	9.524805882352942	1.70194	20.0058
Leaf (rosette)	13.204152142857144	3.34786	20.5978
Epidermis cells	2.19977	1.77661	2.62293
Mature guard cells	0.0336022	0.0	0.0672044
Root (differentiation zone)	6.50634	6.50634	6.50634
Root (elongation zone)	8.264975	5.53675	10.9932
Root (meristematic zone)	24.3123	24.3123	24.3123
Root (apex)	5.22107	4.97276	5.46938
Root (stele)	0.336607	0.336607	0.336607
Root (QC cells)	0.22834000000000002	0.0	1.39681
Root (tip)	7.45805	6.81255	8.19506