condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	107.78348	25.1246	298.889
Ovule	121.68255384615385	82.4683	188.371
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	73.73936666666667	70.2419	80.5456
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	68.19406666666667	53.6331	92.6181
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	65.242	51.7325	73.91
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	39.21	33.1613	47.2267
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	59.263733333333334	34.7992	80.9719
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	25.272733333333335	23.2419	28.4868
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	35.86532	7.90346	59.4573
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	36.25396	30.6633	44.1836
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	37.7095	23.7429	44.8307
Sperm	32.36978333333333	28.7916	35.8113
Pollen tube (Col-0)	18.841933333333333	16.837	21.2634
Flower (receptacles)	85.0517375	78.2061	91.7472
Flower (floral buds)	75.9555	75.9555	75.9555
Flower (sepals)	60.213425	52.9564	68.9082
Flower (petals)	56.52655	54.3087	58.7444
Flower (stamen filaments)	43.998949999999994	43.6628	44.3351
Flower (anthers)	51.5087	32.4584	84.607
Flower (carpels)	125.74826428571428	84.3972	169.223
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	56.295500000000004	52.2294	60.3616
Pedicel	74.8968	72.8462	76.9474
Axis of the inflorescence	84.23179999999999	77.3589	91.1047
Silique	47.55524444444445	30.2396	64.3392
Silique (senescent)	35.4241	29.8533	40.9949
Pods of siliques	47.7069125	38.3264	56.208
Pods of siliques (senescent)	61.58935	59.0317	64.147
Embryo	110.611	110.611	110.611
Endosperm	59.96479	52.0231	67.7664
Seed	23.738075000000002	20.9066	30.2279
Seed (young)	77.78602	51.9641	110.356
Seed (germinating)	62.344233333333335	50.1673	78.8479
Seedling	62.16654	42.8306	79.6854
Seedling (etiolated)	63.05063333333334	33.4764	189.002
Meristem	68.00868	18.3864	112.613
Stem (internode)	66.1416	62.4802	69.803
Stem (internode, senescent)	89.76505	84.1457	95.3844
Stems	76.90145147058824	23.011	142.812
Leaf (rosette)	123.40930714285714	40.1479	167.907
Epidermis cells	35.507850000000005	24.2941	46.7216
Mature guard cells	35.80695	15.0621	56.5518
Root (differentiation zone)	65.5482	65.5482	65.5482
Root (elongation zone)	65.994	52.9675	79.0205
Root (meristematic zone)	119.072	119.072	119.072
Root (apex)	57.46815	57.1985	57.7378
Root (stele)	38.1573	38.1573	38.1573
Root (QC cells)	99.0214935	0.249442	333.303
Root (tip)	58.370000000000005	45.1967	65.7583