condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	45.02843	15.8538	80.3026
Ovule	31.69603846153846	20.0207	43.1479
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	51.32893333333333	47.2166	54.4636
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	56.95406666666667	56.0132	57.5534
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	50.44956666666667	45.5569	58.3789
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	51.66553333333333	48.5229	53.4312
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	68.2814	63.2448	73.432
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	24.6572	18.9165	29.1378
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	13.623633333333334	10.0213	20.484
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	2.2521078	0.869717	5.30234
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	4.166456666666667	3.0094	5.58449
Sperm	4.2757483333333335	2.66435	5.77671
Pollen tube (Col-0)	19.570933333333333	16.1178	23.6272
Flower (receptacles)	21.73895	19.4396	23.3798
Flower (floral buds)	26.7311	26.7311	26.7311
Flower (sepals)	15.905875	10.9206	18.3548
Flower (petals)	23.023600000000002	22.2082	23.839
Flower (stamen filaments)	17.686	17.6031	17.7689
Flower (anthers)	7.594578333333333	2.14223	17.6054
Flower (carpels)	23.10537857142857	14.2271	34.4219
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	23.8927	20.0193	27.7661
Pedicel	12.26765	10.7393	13.796
Axis of the inflorescence	15.7434	15.2548	16.232
Silique	22.69052222222222	18.5548	27.1921
Silique (senescent)	4.203245	3.92132	4.48517
Pods of siliques	20.541825	16.4529	23.8283
Pods of siliques (senescent)	22.28715	19.1599	25.4144
Embryo	23.9044	23.9044	23.9044
Endosperm	36.62188	25.7491	47.3053
Seed	3.43992	2.28181	4.37924
Seed (young)	20.9626	14.6237	28.1936
Seed (germinating)	17.617183333333333	15.6663	22.0139
Seedling	11.534028	5.06714	23.3598
Seedling (etiolated)	17.57225	15.2988	23.2218
Meristem	12.760236333333333	7.61795	30.0474
Stem (internode)	28.48595	26.5021	30.4698
Stem (internode, senescent)	21.592100000000002	20.9816	22.2026
Stems	19.116618088235295	5.49943	34.1868
Leaf (rosette)	26.787587142857145	6.53385	43.1896
Epidermis cells	7.19522	3.84414	10.5463
Mature guard cells	7.71463	4.99686	10.4324
Root (differentiation zone)	32.5158	32.5158	32.5158
Root (elongation zone)	48.0	41.4238	54.5762
Root (meristematic zone)	28.3847	28.3847	28.3847
Root (apex)	24.7686	23.4062	26.131
Root (stele)	11.2247	11.2247	11.2247
Root (QC cells)	10.89768335	0.0	96.9289
Root (tip)	25.0285	23.947	26.5579