condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	49.647529	5.68289	159.404
Ovule	50.49309230769231	23.5793	72.6793
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	56.832033333333335	53.4642	60.0391
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	58.51753333333333	56.0749	62.0336
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	53.33913333333333	46.6354	60.4642
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	41.93443333333333	31.7028	47.2062
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	58.0794	44.4372	65.239
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	13.518600000000001	10.609	16.4172
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	7.693703333333334	3.13688	15.0517
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	1.2485096	0.575968	2.6648
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	1.8092046666666666	0.460002	4.31013
Sperm	0.33993433333333334	0.168996	0.439632
Pollen tube (Col-0)	1.2755299999999998	0.97999	1.44362
Flower (receptacles)	42.9675375	41.1806	44.7995
Flower (floral buds)	17.8447	17.8447	17.8447
Flower (sepals)	32.5279	26.3656	38.1556
Flower (petals)	39.39605	37.9794	40.8127
Flower (stamen filaments)	42.10855	41.8286	42.3885
Flower (anthers)	23.801983333333332	10.7464	51.7028
Flower (carpels)	43.63493571428572	32.5063	51.0094
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	38.695	37.5959	39.7941
Pedicel	32.49835	30.8211	34.1756
Axis of the inflorescence	40.09255	38.5665	41.6186
Silique	30.398722222222222	23.93	39.1489
Silique (senescent)	16.2245	14.1895	18.2595
Pods of siliques	32.541425	25.8269	39.2464
Pods of siliques (senescent)	71.46199999999999	71.4409	71.4831
Embryo	49.4979	49.4979	49.4979
Endosperm	34.28411	15.0341	74.4294
Seed	9.5992625	8.96301	10.5207
Seed (young)	42.90735	32.4908	55.4592
Seed (germinating)	45.48238333333333	26.1112	62.1641
Seedling	22.27076	14.1656	36.1625
Seedling (etiolated)	38.99415	34.6444	52.4751
Meristem	37.56037333333333	15.0784	52.3427
Stem (internode)	40.477500000000006	39.8308	41.1242
Stem (internode, senescent)	53.277	52.7527	53.8013
Stems	33.53106323529412	19.6273	56.7792
Leaf (rosette)	66.7506	26.1502	92.7242
Epidermis cells	9.78772	8.84754	10.7279
Mature guard cells	23.66955	16.8294	30.5097
Root (differentiation zone)	39.8862	39.8862	39.8862
Root (elongation zone)	58.8721	41.7832	75.961
Root (meristematic zone)	46.6356	46.6356	46.6356
Root (apex)	64.3602	62.9485	65.7719
Root (stele)	125.014	125.014	125.014
Root (QC cells)	50.128186175	0.0	262.605
Root (tip)	47.62083333333334	30.6552	58.4797