condition mean min max Egg cell 39.21606 2.63298 83.4119 Ovule 29.238984615384616 16.0586 48.5143 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 36.6794 34.2634 37.947 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 42.471666666666664 36.2938 51.2321 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 26.5363 16.0961 32.2351 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 4.558043333333333 4.08861 5.47006 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 30.455133333333333 21.8087 36.0941 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 0.18447686666666666 0.0579036 0.377635 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 0.10454693333333334 0.02604 0.200715 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.13210226 0.0150329 0.461313 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.3355666666666666 0.0 1.0067 Sperm 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Flower (receptacles) 19.8223 18.241 22.5912 Flower (floral buds) 19.2848 19.2848 19.2848 Flower (sepals) 8.8418775 6.89976 10.7338 Flower (petals) 7.601934999999999 6.81389 8.38998 Flower (stamen filaments) 5.350960000000001 5.2003 5.50162 Flower (anthers) 4.357284666666667 0.294568 13.7788 Flower (carpels) 28.87075714285714 20.063 45.8713 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 11.9354 11.4559 12.4149 Pedicel 18.5967 18.2957 18.8977 Axis of the inflorescence 30.166050000000002 27.704 32.6281 Silique 11.384733333333333 8.49953 14.2025 Silique (senescent) 6.082050000000001 5.87894 6.28516 Pods of siliques 9.21842875 6.95052 11.3188 Pods of siliques (senescent) 6.849740000000001 6.57012 7.12936 Embryo 27.4542 27.4542 27.4542 Endosperm 19.363293 4.58003 26.0398 Seed 4.4889525 2.27971 7.04212 Seed (young) 22.85802 13.8571 33.0901 Seed (germinating) 25.635816666666667 11.4811 41.9774 Seedling 11.358878 2.87996 25.0169 Seedling (etiolated) 8.855825 6.27049 15.1292 Meristem 22.898547666666666 3.93095 50.4873 Stem (internode) 10.806249999999999 10.7821 10.8304 Stem (internode, senescent) 16.50485 16.1552 16.8545 Stems 16.15848595588235 0.37095 30.1125 Leaf (rosette) 8.415445 4.20523 14.0442 Epidermis cells 2.146475 1.01805 3.2749 Mature guard cells 1.957985 1.07966 2.83631 Root (differentiation zone) 6.33681 6.33681 6.33681 Root (elongation zone) 11.707645000000001 5.40839 18.0069 Root (meristematic zone) 59.343 59.343 59.343 Root (apex) 31.2967 28.9574 33.636 Root (stele) 0.276582 0.276582 0.276582 Root (QC cells) 1.4122700016666667 0.0 5.80846 Root (tip) 33.98126666666667 24.5491 39.8818