condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	14.755624	3.78586	30.498
Ovule	14.986003846153846	11.9075	18.3622
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	24.549366666666668	22.1819	25.8397
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	18.182199999999998	16.0371	21.5236
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	14.903333333333334	11.8853	16.5384
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	10.970176666666667	9.34133	12.8705
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	20.124200000000002	11.2852	26.1095
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	6.392526666666667	4.69483	7.57408
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	3.35239	1.50298	5.24078
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	1.4699114	0.815238	2.05358
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	2.49926	2.10994	2.80789
Sperm	29.81021666666667	25.0619	34.7325
Pollen tube (Col-0)	9.58042	6.69406	11.9181
Flower (receptacles)	17.540625	15.9358	18.6558
Flower (floral buds)	16.9386	16.9386	16.9386
Flower (sepals)	9.150415	8.24013	10.4405
Flower (petals)	14.869900000000001	14.7851	14.9547
Flower (stamen filaments)	10.4661	8.5288	12.4034
Flower (anthers)	6.8700866666666665	3.18786	11.3989
Flower (carpels)	16.80347857142857	11.7086	23.4273
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	14.06755	13.9783	14.1568
Pedicel	10.283650000000002	10.1674	10.3999
Axis of the inflorescence	12.8455	12.4468	13.2442
Silique	11.790088888888889	10.5799	13.3355
Silique (senescent)	7.19503	7.00845	7.38161
Pods of siliques	10.1072925	8.45886	12.3002
Pods of siliques (senescent)	17.252299999999998	16.4876	18.017
Embryo	15.1891	15.1891	15.1891
Endosperm	6.256749	4.22438	13.1284
Seed	7.3162275	5.6492	8.66093
Seed (young)	14.54241	11.6994	20.7282
Seed (germinating)	12.05565	11.0833	13.9207
Seedling	6.468814	3.33099	10.772
Seedling (etiolated)	10.768886666666667	9.72931	13.2782
Meristem	14.009851666666666	6.15786	22.0072
Stem (internode)	13.46335	12.3945	14.5322
Stem (internode, senescent)	15.56175	14.4935	16.63
Stems	12.471522647058823	1.96547	21.4551
Leaf (rosette)	11.377102857142857	4.58056	15.8709
Epidermis cells	1.4435505000000002	0.352981	2.53412
Mature guard cells	1.3670692500000001	0.0436385	2.6905
Root (differentiation zone)	15.3359	15.3359	15.3359
Root (elongation zone)	17.22835	14.3457	20.111
Root (meristematic zone)	22.4369	22.4369	22.4369
Root (apex)	14.877099999999999	13.164	16.5902
Root (stele)	3.00617	3.00617	3.00617
Root (QC cells)	8.152209583333333	0.0	49.6152
Root (tip)	12.341766666666667	11.386	13.4039