condition mean min max Egg cell 291.41503 45.1961 510.454 Ovule 162.95648846153847 95.6807 339.218 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 52.0464 49.9646 53.1101 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 46.45356666666667 40.2971 49.8696 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 29.108933333333333 18.3192 36.9779 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 10.32292 7.06766 13.8382 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 35.05303333333333 14.1746 47.0747 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 1.2677826666666667 0.758588 1.52887 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 0.882594 0.473815 1.52578 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.3003575 0.0925215 0.926685 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.6672629333333333 0.0 1.96048 Sperm 0.08243026666666667 0.0527801 0.110617 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.5464033333333334 0.305578 0.867471 Flower (receptacles) 99.699225 97.3147 102.853 Flower (floral buds) 50.0631 50.0631 50.0631 Flower (sepals) 33.573975000000004 29.2963 38.0397 Flower (petals) 62.3989 61.1807 63.6171 Flower (stamen filaments) 34.2032 31.8156 36.5908 Flower (anthers) 39.041536666666666 9.95812 92.263 Flower (carpels) 168.8975 116.221 289.62 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 77.23425 74.4668 80.0017 Pedicel 59.743399999999994 58.0361 61.4507 Axis of the inflorescence 100.23945 98.0299 102.449 Silique 55.261322222222226 44.6346 67.7292 Silique (senescent) 23.9968 20.9325 27.0611 Pods of siliques 44.8833625 31.0398 64.2782 Pods of siliques (senescent) 41.011750000000006 40.813 41.2105 Embryo 149.188 149.188 149.188 Endosperm 107.98567 51.9109 150.777 Seed 17.245625 14.0331 19.5323 Seed (young) 146.8966 111.077 197.119 Seed (germinating) 65.71886666666667 50.5968 80.5799 Seedling 41.67758 24.3671 71.8416 Seedling (etiolated) 58.041383333333336 45.9825 86.7572 Meristem 129.49066666666667 50.6517 175.335 Stem (internode) 70.88659999999999 70.4078 71.3654 Stem (internode, senescent) 72.2859 68.7396 75.8322 Stems 85.86981764705882 31.3511 134.489 Leaf (rosette) 54.83802142857143 28.8662 72.2292 Epidermis cells 15.4883 15.2108 15.7658 Mature guard cells 6.502855 2.17251 10.8332 Root (differentiation zone) 54.0935 54.0935 54.0935 Root (elongation zone) 55.11935 43.3145 66.9242 Root (meristematic zone) 95.032 95.032 95.032 Root (apex) 78.97205 78.5822 79.3619 Root (stele) 82.0037 82.0037 82.0037 Root (QC cells) 33.716379333333336 0.146977 127.973 Root (tip) 50.6811 33.2689 60.9689