condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	5.511691	1.86658	10.3917
Ovule	22.97324076923077	8.60115	48.9297
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	14.7679	11.8683	17.6268
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	10.591036666666668	9.06491	12.5759
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	9.329306666666668	6.97337	13.8667
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	3.830429666666667	0.811579	6.61453
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	10.311393333333333	7.35078	12.4429
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	4.733873333333333	2.71004	7.8706
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	3.55649	2.74217	4.30558
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	1.4084722	0.971581	1.98319
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	1.5788986666666667	0.498066	2.62642
Sperm	1.1915793333333333	0.815951	1.71479
Pollen tube (Col-0)	0.723058	0.606331	0.955213
Flower (receptacles)	16.259	14.0502	18.7601
Flower (floral buds)	11.0407	11.0407	11.0407
Flower (sepals)	18.74765	17.1609	19.8134
Flower (petals)	20.09135	19.1688	21.0139
Flower (stamen filaments)	16.64955	15.26	18.0391
Flower (anthers)	18.015811666666668	8.72432	41.1595
Flower (carpels)	47.96565714285714	27.2574	66.0261
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	17.85505	16.9262	18.7839
Pedicel	28.463749999999997	27.7321	29.1954
Axis of the inflorescence	34.9432	31.4361	38.4503
Silique	20.202566666666666	10.009	24.141
Silique (senescent)	39.77915	34.3938	45.1645
Pods of siliques	19.0430875	14.0744	23.707
Pods of siliques (senescent)	35.065	30.3795	39.7505
Embryo	27.3434	27.3434	27.3434
Endosperm	7.15355	3.15505	14.8349
Seed	24.607125	15.2873	32.9068
Seed (young)	43.31265	34.7268	53.5565
Seed (germinating)	43.71706666666667	26.1326	59.3634
Seedling	15.579342	9.24001	21.9865
Seedling (etiolated)	23.978066666666667	17.3713	30.7276
Meristem	44.384676999999996	1.85081	78.4025
Stem (internode)	25.18085	23.3237	27.038
Stem (internode, senescent)	29.5797	29.173	29.9864
Stems	18.611908676470588	8.20166	30.067
Leaf (rosette)	28.4321	13.074	35.4693
Epidermis cells	9.12686	1.34852	16.9052
Mature guard cells	3.083725	0.0	6.16745
Root (differentiation zone)	12.4668	12.4668	12.4668
Root (elongation zone)	12.879999999999999	11.6909	14.0691
Root (meristematic zone)	31.2721	31.2721	31.2721
Root (apex)	31.003099999999996	29.935	32.0712
Root (stele)	5.73689	5.73689	5.73689
Root (QC cells)	3.8957498333333334	0.0	39.3744
Root (tip)	10.12664	6.95662	12.0108