condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	7.346057	1.87116	17.9562
Ovule	3.733362692307692	2.40258	5.18986
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	5.195603333333334	4.35204	6.00858
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	4.190823333333333	3.22542	5.11958
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	3.4651066666666663	2.22381	4.10443
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	0.2613913333333333	0.10798	0.444341
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	2.85292	1.73998	4.24375
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	0.04523548	0.0	0.148033
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	0.015418666666666667	0.0	0.0272843
Sperm	0.053952299999999995	0.0178865	0.0870904
Pollen tube (Col-0)	0.005786266666666667	0.0	0.0173588
Flower (receptacles)	5.73858	5.34584	6.11129
Flower (floral buds)	4.12008	4.12008	4.12008
Flower (sepals)	4.50491	2.74664	6.31705
Flower (petals)	2.338195	2.23951	2.43688
Flower (stamen filaments)	2.25224	2.07452	2.42996
Flower (anthers)	3.443655	1.53235	7.64988
Flower (carpels)	3.2765414285714285	2.55083	3.7431
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	2.922615	2.85733	2.9879
Pedicel	3.40764	3.07172	3.74356
Axis of the inflorescence	3.9137700000000004	3.60568	4.22186
Silique	5.245803333333333	3.22509	7.94878
Silique (senescent)	2.5307500000000003	2.26202	2.79948
Pods of siliques	5.10803875	3.10255	7.21657
Pods of siliques (senescent)	5.395375	5.32761	5.46314
Embryo	12.5391	12.5391	12.5391
Endosperm	7.739437	3.73404	18.3714
Seed	1.16252525	0.910691	1.59706
Seed (young)	2.466905	1.93018	2.93152
Seed (germinating)	9.923725000000001	7.69289	12.8213
Seedling	5.431588	2.92579	10.7494
Seedling (etiolated)	8.954806666666666	7.37046	9.88652
Meristem	3.8293706666666667	0.49063	5.45272
Stem (internode)	12.192450000000001	11.9281	12.4568
Stem (internode, senescent)	17.661	17.4184	17.9036
Stems	9.9481975	4.48569	20.5418
Leaf (rosette)	13.326030714285714	1.77765	21.3873
Epidermis cells	1.6739355	0.943851	2.40402
Mature guard cells	0.2139475	0.0	0.427895
Root (differentiation zone)	17.8827	17.8827	17.8827
Root (elongation zone)	10.376425000000001	9.62665	11.1262
Root (meristematic zone)	7.22183	7.22183	7.22183
Root (apex)	9.902555	8.79051	11.0146
Root (stele)	180.533	180.533	180.533
Root (QC cells)	0.016255630833333333	0.0	0.169788
Root (tip)	4.807903333333334	3.84653	5.30795