condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	46.644137199999996	0.0	98.7584
Ovule	35.02877307692307	24.4212	44.8664
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	22.994633333333333	21.728	25.1693
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	41.77653333333333	38.2279	45.1258
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	31.670933333333334	24.7637	41.0596
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	44.175599999999996	43.2076	45.9128
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	47.69416666666667	38.3931	54.1857
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	29.367633333333334	25.156	33.305
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	22.075566666666667	16.1615	27.3501
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	4.888064	3.16264	6.78794
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	7.24153	4.65971	10.3313
Sperm	27.125066666666665	20.3315	39.1854
Pollen tube (Col-0)	18.6462	13.8836	22.2472
Flower (receptacles)	30.5172125	25.2301	34.0643
Flower (floral buds)	48.1159	48.1159	48.1159
Flower (sepals)	28.098525000000002	17.568	36.3848
Flower (petals)	45.34745	41.5949	49.1
Flower (stamen filaments)	53.49635	49.9222	57.0705
Flower (anthers)	18.917233333333336	12.6996	30.154
Flower (carpels)	38.751485714285714	28.8493	45.184
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	52.2097	51.4353	52.9841
Pedicel	25.944499999999998	24.8925	26.9965
Axis of the inflorescence	28.2447	27.8565	28.6329
Silique	43.28258888888889	32.3156	51.2402
Silique (senescent)	18.1574	16.5656	19.7492
Pods of siliques	36.3018875	25.7858	45.301
Pods of siliques (senescent)	67.5214	66.5698	68.473
Embryo	13.6969	13.6969	13.6969
Endosperm	8.293661	3.40797	33.1843
Seed	13.595600000000001	11.5683	15.3396
Seed (young)	46.04869	25.6141	57.0297
Seed (germinating)	29.125083333333333	23.202	34.7113
Seedling	15.735228	6.90974	28.7924
Seedling (etiolated)	28.03911666666667	24.4964	33.3072
Meristem	27.177450666666665	5.10762	42.0479
Stem (internode)	58.469300000000004	55.6158	61.3228
Stem (internode, senescent)	38.921499999999995	38.2103	39.6327
Stems	33.44807588235294	3.14522	62.4836
Leaf (rosette)	28.832714285714285	10.4413	41.1184
Epidermis cells	1.79248	1.31799	2.26697
Mature guard cells	8.33474	3.09108	13.5784
Root (differentiation zone)	49.4931	49.4931	49.4931
Root (elongation zone)	67.03505	59.793	74.2771
Root (meristematic zone)	22.9526	22.9526	22.9526
Root (apex)	36.4757	30.9368	42.0146
Root (stele)	16.3855	16.3855	16.3855
Root (QC cells)	11.506972275	0.0	131.555
Root (tip)	24.541700000000002	22.6457	26.3089