condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	154.11692	34.3105	525.556
Ovule	56.755273076923075	43.228	72.3602
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	47.74183333333333	43.4276	50.4874
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	57.39953333333333	53.8026	61.8436
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	34.3662	25.3968	39.8534
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	12.6424	10.6024	13.6958
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	42.8771	35.6	49.2996
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	4.200803333333333	3.27059	5.36129
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	2.843836666666667	2.11008	4.30103
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	1.89143	1.65362	2.50427
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	2.1881316666666666	0.974825	3.88688
Sperm	19.791416666666667	17.5009	22.7838
Pollen tube (Col-0)	3.6174566666666665	2.31957	4.57614
Flower (receptacles)	54.400237499999996	52.2146	55.5652
Flower (floral buds)	56.1104	56.1104	56.1104
Flower (sepals)	41.138125	39.4799	43.2224
Flower (petals)	60.39905	60.3376	60.4605
Flower (stamen filaments)	36.6331	35.4211	37.8451
Flower (anthers)	41.63245	15.0703	71.1232
Flower (carpels)	61.24530714285714	51.283	73.1296
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	58.624700000000004	54.7722	62.4772
Pedicel	32.90485	30.1365	35.6732
Axis of the inflorescence	41.41505	39.4368	43.3933
Silique	47.18333333333333	34.511	73.585
Silique (senescent)	57.74865	48.8804	66.6169
Pods of siliques	46.9395625	38.054	68.1176
Pods of siliques (senescent)	82.36994999999999	81.258	83.4819
Embryo	46.6003	46.6003	46.6003
Endosperm	299.71189	50.1529	385.246
Seed	48.932075	39.7412	57.4901
Seed (young)	54.95934	48.5475	73.4112
Seed (germinating)	40.82588333333334	36.3396	45.1111
Seedling	28.75358	16.3836	47.5159
Seedling (etiolated)	31.8547	28.0256	43.9342
Meristem	42.50808	25.1138	71.0522
Stem (internode)	49.2706	45.5895	52.9517
Stem (internode, senescent)	82.72435	77.5526	87.8961
Stems	39.10812794117647	12.7211	77.6889
Leaf (rosette)	72.16927142857143	28.6563	90.8226
Epidermis cells	145.2789	97.3048	193.253
Mature guard cells	269.96999999999997	141.172	398.768
Root (differentiation zone)	52.8201	52.8201	52.8201
Root (elongation zone)	47.64595	45.6108	49.6811
Root (meristematic zone)	34.1233	34.1233	34.1233
Root (apex)	39.29285	38.7301	39.8556
Root (stele)	76.042	76.042	76.042
Root (QC cells)	203.11779475	0.392447	874.551
Root (tip)	30.64003333333333	24.7683	34.1919