condition mean min max Egg cell 21.5410463 0.0 81.6439 Ovule 128.882 54.4125 194.692 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 21.325466666666667 16.5318 26.5598 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 21.4147 12.4966 29.3562 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 13.759566666666666 11.8043 17.4929 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 6.59131 3.90209 8.12855 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 25.410800000000002 15.0317 32.7085 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 5.27649 3.68238 7.10079 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 1.9456266666666666 1.14647 2.61835 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 1.1796472 0.719036 1.76023 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.9228723333333334 0.0 1.79685 Sperm 12.566305 7.72663 19.8261 Pollen tube (Col-0) 1.1430133333333332 0.0 3.17554 Flower (receptacles) 102.21855 84.5897 115.848 Flower (floral buds) 113.525 113.525 113.525 Flower (sepals) 121.1925 103.482 148.564 Flower (petals) 147.582 138.228 156.936 Flower (stamen filaments) 95.7758 89.7606 101.791 Flower (anthers) 104.73901166666667 3.66618 265.156 Flower (carpels) 162.89785714285713 94.8087 295.25 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 99.6733 96.6276 102.719 Pedicel 75.0975 66.3123 83.8827 Axis of the inflorescence 59.8698 59.6181 60.1215 Silique 102.30654444444444 81.3856 137.131 Silique (senescent) 157.28199999999998 152.664 161.9 Pods of siliques 123.306 83.4475 157.667 Pods of siliques (senescent) 168.098 159.006 177.19 Embryo 168.165 168.165 168.165 Endosperm 7.0292306 0.852366 50.9164 Seed 54.884275 26.8284 82.1838 Seed (young) 106.35822 47.6469 208.748 Seed (germinating) 34.68128333333333 13.045 55.3836 Seedling 153.24902 85.8838 318.775 Seedling (etiolated) 178.8245 109.461 329.05 Meristem 99.29226 50.923 181.129 Stem (internode) 110.1915 107.888 112.495 Stem (internode, senescent) 279.6805 268.099 291.262 Stems 145.88114705882353 51.4875 290.354 Leaf (rosette) 187.2965807142857 9.43523 337.235 Epidermis cells 23.6761 17.1959 30.1563 Mature guard cells 2.676198 0.932046 4.42035 Root (differentiation zone) 175.159 175.159 175.159 Root (elongation zone) 70.19245000000001 50.0698 90.3151 Root (meristematic zone) 84.2458 84.2458 84.2458 Root (apex) 49.2418 41.0391 57.4445 Root (stele) 523.433 523.433 523.433 Root (QC cells) 484.24185916666664 1.15234 1428.23 Root (tip) 21.032066666666665 18.2015 25.8332