condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	28.220514	6.49884	170.81
Ovule	24.232423076923077	13.5232	31.6202
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	14.255033333333333	13.0989	16.2106
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	17.12686666666667	11.8726	23.6428
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	19.9169	16.2504	22.0554
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	28.58353333333333	21.4466	32.8762
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	19.085866666666668	14.0495	25.6256
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	23.874533333333332	18.4836	27.3023
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	20.6949	14.8873	27.0522
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	5.941586	3.10307	8.14247
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	14.182433333333334	11.1376	18.4433
Sperm	16.493816666666667	12.9902	21.7734
Pollen tube (Col-0)	15.8292	13.1978	18.1373
Flower (receptacles)	23.1399625	21.0661	24.9103
Flower (floral buds)	31.5606	31.5606	31.5606
Flower (sepals)	12.4069375	9.41285	15.0681
Flower (petals)	17.948749999999997	16.9198	18.9777
Flower (stamen filaments)	10.677035	9.00757	12.3465
Flower (anthers)	9.77139	8.0465	12.6794
Flower (carpels)	18.284557142857143	11.5332	24.9738
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	19.861649999999997	16.5723	23.151
Pedicel	9.848165000000002	9.80643	9.8899
Axis of the inflorescence	15.4362	15.2003	15.6721
Silique	13.7159	10.968	17.3723
Silique (senescent)	8.575405	8.36533	8.78548
Pods of siliques	12.6627425	9.01351	16.3302
Pods of siliques (senescent)	36.3953	35.2052	37.5854
Embryo	11.6062	11.6062	11.6062
Endosperm	23.743019999999998	13.9151	37.4205
Seed	6.7586875	6.42103	7.31412
Seed (young)	13.624337	7.97898	17.3812
Seed (germinating)	12.630135	9.02951	16.4707
Seedling	9.752526	3.47675	19.5815
Seedling (etiolated)	19.472833333333334	13.6141	43.4502
Meristem	10.156998333333334	2.05915	16.795
Stem (internode)	12.36505	12.3528	12.3773
Stem (internode, senescent)	20.74465	20.5778	20.9115
Stems	16.602173838235295	0.352868	30.691
Leaf (rosette)	18.646136428571428	5.37017	26.8546
Epidermis cells	7.342084999999999	5.66707	9.0171
Mature guard cells	33.36025	20.909	45.8115
Root (differentiation zone)	37.1004	37.1004	37.1004
Root (elongation zone)	34.446349999999995	34.1628	34.7299
Root (meristematic zone)	16.6305	16.6305	16.6305
Root (apex)	19.86495	18.9552	20.7747
Root (stele)	41.0755	41.0755	41.0755
Root (QC cells)	17.11922625	0.0	166.101
Root (tip)	15.381066666666667	11.4041	18.4012