condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	44.112482	2.49562	91.269
Ovule	33.93220884615385	7.88377	50.4679
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	28.839	28.1938	29.3236
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	26.511400000000002	23.9084	30.3164
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	31.716	25.8099	35.9149
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	45.166900000000005	41.0185	50.8006
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	24.54543333333333	19.6473	29.7063
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	21.645033333333334	15.7368	24.726
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	53.89803333333333	44.7684	62.4167
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	3.323988	2.41094	4.38665
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	39.0638	33.3579	44.5154
Sperm	0.15059723333333333	0.0902905	0.236556
Pollen tube (Col-0)	26.58	19.1649	38.5716
Flower (receptacles)	39.138575	34.3759	43.7102
Flower (floral buds)	30.0569	30.0569	30.0569
Flower (sepals)	26.531975	14.8537	37.536
Flower (petals)	37.932249999999996	36.8801	38.9844
Flower (stamen filaments)	20.015700000000002	19.7514	20.28
Flower (anthers)	11.664136666666666	5.39096	22.4026
Flower (carpels)	31.5918	16.3387	43.6475
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	57.865899999999996	56.2782	59.4536
Pedicel	17.82915	17.5619	18.0964
Axis of the inflorescence	16.972250000000003	16.3409	17.6036
Silique	18.433555555555557	13.5034	32.2932
Silique (senescent)	7.729010000000001	6.88183	8.57619
Pods of siliques	15.5429625	14.0575	17.3915
Pods of siliques (senescent)	43.7779	43.724	43.8318
Embryo	18.2827	18.2827	18.2827
Endosperm	14.419604	6.96817	34.5164
Seed	5.949725	4.92076	6.96703
Seed (young)	25.32144	14.6211	38.2116
Seed (germinating)	14.733683333333333	12.2809	19.1393
Seedling	11.593198000000001	9.23084	14.5949
Seedling (etiolated)	14.513541666666667	8.01179	44.1785
Meristem	11.789582	3.54004	23.0435
Stem (internode)	17.52515	16.9433	18.107
Stem (internode, senescent)	26.9098	26.1416	27.678
Stems	24.812895764705882	0.948152	57.9222
Leaf (rosette)	30.42374	7.60876	47.8406
Epidermis cells	9.73518	5.16946	14.3009
Mature guard cells	38.6511	36.5541	40.7481
Root (differentiation zone)	33.9096	33.9096	33.9096
Root (elongation zone)	40.88335	40.5476	41.2191
Root (meristematic zone)	25.6132	25.6132	25.6132
Root (apex)	14.2232	13.433	15.0134
Root (stele)	48.8998	48.8998	48.8998
Root (QC cells)	40.796661076666666	0.0	433.43
Root (tip)	29.214333333333336	23.3107	36.258