condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	27.348959999999998	0.0	83.9566
Ovule	30.502536538461538	1.10137	78.5017
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	8.423626666666667	3.7558	13.101
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	7.428863333333333	5.23995	10.4124
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	13.91746	9.73028	19.0666
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	3.91357	2.53618	5.66959
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	9.93293	4.78572	15.8246
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	5.77664	5.08133	6.21363
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	30.063166666666667	11.4257	55.2788
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	16.196460000000002	12.182	20.4517
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	46.019866666666665	44.1716	48.9764
Sperm	5.056888333333333	3.75554	6.66863
Pollen tube (Col-0)	11.358683333333333	6.06331	20.5075
Flower (receptacles)	23.3046	17.8102	28.4924
Flower (floral buds)	12.0758	12.0758	12.0758
Flower (sepals)	6.77346	3.47752	11.4589
Flower (petals)	6.5579	5.72204	7.39376
Flower (stamen filaments)	6.18474	4.60432	7.76516
Flower (anthers)	4.683558333333333	2.88822	7.20692
Flower (carpels)	16.056759285714286	2.09552	31.5583
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	5.304535	3.84686	6.76221
Pedicel	5.371335	3.95304	6.78963
Axis of the inflorescence	5.637605	5.60375	5.67146
Silique	6.274417777777778	3.41618	16.803
Silique (senescent)	3.3229800000000003	1.85578	4.79018
Pods of siliques	6.40871625	2.97608	10.7491
Pods of siliques (senescent)	12.0231	11.6387	12.4075
Embryo	1.55866	1.55866	1.55866
Endosperm	1.7745599	0.0	5.13126
Seed	5.2009375	1.36129	7.44137
Seed (young)	6.435263	3.00036	10.1915
Seed (germinating)	2.5499	0.53862	4.19161
Seedling	6.8355892	0.855556	13.549
Seedling (etiolated)	11.136773333333332	4.39979	36.9601
Meristem	3.5144497333333335	0.0	10.6614
Stem (internode)	10.695865000000001	9.51143	11.8803
Stem (internode, senescent)	11.3005	10.2025	12.3985
Stems	12.100124132352942	0.0	32.3215
Leaf (rosette)	24.935746428571427	1.64327	36.7926
Epidermis cells	3.32921	3.28713	3.37129
Mature guard cells	2.159544	0.464438	3.85465
Root (differentiation zone)	11.8927	11.8927	11.8927
Root (elongation zone)	4.569435	1.28681	7.85206
Root (meristematic zone)	3.92536	3.92536	3.92536
Root (apex)	1.74646	1.7404	1.75252
Root (stele)	8.82598	8.82598	8.82598
Root (QC cells)	142.50826266666667	0.0	925.253
Root (tip)	2.98974	2.14479	3.45833