condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	27.093154	2.60334	84.5316
Ovule	23.21233846153846	18.7118	31.9835
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	14.019766666666666	13.6092	14.2944
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	13.7612	11.2783	16.6611
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	8.131606666666666	4.36713	11.9328
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	4.281813333333333	2.15967	5.84574
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	11.10257	8.28771	14.1937
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	1.7665733333333333	1.72556	1.8029
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	1.8778766666666666	1.3721	2.49268
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	1.049642	0.821221	1.3419
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	1.4256833333333334	1.14791	1.97671
Sperm	0.333528	0.273669	0.434415
Pollen tube (Col-0)	0.879751	0.5959	1.1056
Flower (receptacles)	17.450625	16.6568	19.067
Flower (floral buds)	20.0105	20.0105	20.0105
Flower (sepals)	10.0596975	9.71266	10.3573
Flower (petals)	12.79285	12.6885	12.8972
Flower (stamen filaments)	8.872050000000002	8.35377	9.39033
Flower (anthers)	7.467723333333334	3.5423	14.308
Flower (carpels)	22.258135714285714	13.7415	33.3306
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	12.0594	11.9925	12.1263
Pedicel	10.511054999999999	9.82631	11.1958
Axis of the inflorescence	13.50745	12.6119	14.403
Silique	8.962158888888888	7.61823	11.7418
Silique (senescent)	6.334385	6.15676	6.51201
Pods of siliques	9.34609125	7.90418	10.9517
Pods of siliques (senescent)	16.74405	16.0904	17.3977
Embryo	17.4051	17.4051	17.4051
Endosperm	13.68446	11.0952	15.8086
Seed	5.3561525	5.06522	5.7304
Seed (young)	17.40632	11.7851	23.1703
Seed (germinating)	9.706418333333334	9.13291	11.1935
Seedling	10.736834	4.05842	20.9478
Seedling (etiolated)	11.976478333333333	9.04437	20.2542
Meristem	14.500070666666668	5.31256	21.9153
Stem (internode)	10.46335	10.2269	10.6998
Stem (internode, senescent)	19.2956	18.9512	19.64
Stems	12.187943676470589	1.10843	19.3336
Leaf (rosette)	16.821101428571428	7.02644	22.48
Epidermis cells	10.33404	8.03168	12.6364
Mature guard cells	14.71958	7.97736	21.4618
Root (differentiation zone)	17.6247	17.6247	17.6247
Root (elongation zone)	15.232700000000001	14.7157	15.7497
Root (meristematic zone)	15.1775	15.1775	15.1775
Root (apex)	16.55225	15.3111	17.7934
Root (stele)	19.2308	19.2308	19.2308
Root (QC cells)	42.15072185	0.0808026	93.5459
Root (tip)	9.564556666666666	6.95157	11.1273