condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	4.0639174	0.232794	12.3468
Ovule	28.2705	14.3467	43.3236
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	4.88296	2.76467	6.85628
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	19.275166666666667	17.3822	21.0452
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	10.470650000000001	6.13125	14.9495
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	4.2485566666666665	3.79815	5.14705
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	17.925633333333334	10.8305	22.8121
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	7.799333333333333	6.55942	8.8175
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	0.8266646666666667	0.288858	1.70923
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	3.092906	2.63509	3.8147
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	0.3790562666666667	0.0529338	0.740822
Sperm	58.2545	51.603	66.8308
Pollen tube (Col-0)	7.781076666666666	6.75863	8.85046
Flower (receptacles)	16.6293625	15.3711	18.233
Flower (floral buds)	28.5668	28.5668	28.5668
Flower (sepals)	4.8339475	2.04305	7.74507
Flower (petals)	3.7004449999999998	2.89323	4.50766
Flower (stamen filaments)	5.84619	5.31285	6.37953
Flower (anthers)	5.817502166666666	0.748463	12.9368
Flower (carpels)	32.55435	11.2552	58.1021
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	7.266745	6.96988	7.56361
Pedicel	17.70095	17.0664	18.3355
Axis of the inflorescence	31.050800000000002	29.3843	32.7173
Silique	10.349824444444444	7.49554	11.6725
Silique (senescent)	0.228362	0.142172	0.314552
Pods of siliques	4.676685	3.32664	5.80575
Pods of siliques (senescent)	0.664585	0.637867	0.691303
Embryo	53.7139	53.7139	53.7139
Endosperm	31.107527	9.47527	46.287
Seed	0.06513972500000001	0.0108442	0.104289
Seed (young)	31.9891	26.0365	45.2326
Seed (germinating)	13.34379	6.57823	23.1862
Seedling	13.143139999999999	3.93315	35.9839
Seedling (etiolated)	4.987223333333334	2.0487	6.42354
Meristem	47.977846666666665	12.9983	75.6552
Stem (internode)	9.155255	8.78212	9.52839
Stem (internode, senescent)	1.9706249999999998	1.89627	2.04498
Stems	12.996047117647059	0.154628	44.0548
Leaf (rosette)	2.8627895	0.894043	10.1546
Epidermis cells	0.6314955	0.604388	0.658603
Mature guard cells	0.06328	0.0	0.12656
Root (differentiation zone)	3.71354	3.71354	3.71354
Root (elongation zone)	8.514785	3.20827	13.8213
Root (meristematic zone)	34.7186	34.7186	34.7186
Root (apex)	19.045	15.91	22.18
Root (stele)	0.101424	0.101424	0.101424
Root (QC cells)	48.29312133333333	0.0	347.385
Root (tip)	18.610500000000002	12.5845	22.3745