condition mean min max Egg cell 20.301696 3.19797 59.2292 Ovule 14.16309 7.84224 19.0641 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 32.14666666666667 29.5697 34.083 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 43.160133333333334 31.4863 54.5913 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 32.9651 29.0612 35.4282 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 32.531866666666666 27.8915 35.0764 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 41.2964 37.9578 47.3719 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 8.826763333333334 6.7372 10.0067 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 4.614093333333333 2.20342 8.3878 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.6064612 0.1543 1.43026 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.8197249 0.0590497 2.23629 Sperm 0.06999948333333333 0.0381971 0.117128 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.21631913333333333 0.0630344 0.359427 Flower (receptacles) 13.67185 12.1926 14.4672 Flower (floral buds) 11.658 11.658 11.658 Flower (sepals) 7.0183599999999995 6.07641 7.51883 Flower (petals) 10.64865 10.1038 11.1935 Flower (stamen filaments) 17.093449999999997 17.0704 17.1165 Flower (anthers) 4.654567833333333 0.884797 11.2881 Flower (carpels) 11.510482857142858 8.93702 13.9468 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 10.6784 10.3377 11.0191 Pedicel 8.66719 8.19802 9.13636 Axis of the inflorescence 12.221599999999999 11.2738 13.1694 Silique 9.101166666666668 7.40711 13.3257 Silique (senescent) 1.43439 1.38733 1.48145 Pods of siliques 9.2771425 8.03979 11.2794 Pods of siliques (senescent) 7.35451 7.34508 7.36394 Embryo 14.9364 14.9364 14.9364 Endosperm 34.0334 11.6701 51.1028 Seed 1.03042425 0.743994 1.34109 Seed (young) 14.097558 9.09938 17.9015 Seed (germinating) 9.89589 7.17284 12.7652 Seedling 7.672738 4.19719 14.3423 Seedling (etiolated) 9.867113333333332 6.78768 11.9668 Meristem 10.315755666666666 4.69536 14.9992 Stem (internode) 11.70205 11.6372 11.7669 Stem (internode, senescent) 10.97675 10.7306 11.2229 Stems 8.466604411764706 1.58455 14.4945 Leaf (rosette) 6.712072142857143 4.22014 11.3069 Epidermis cells 1.51416 1.26903 1.75929 Mature guard cells 0.8784529999999999 0.242276 1.51463 Root (differentiation zone) 6.55396 6.55396 6.55396 Root (elongation zone) 20.82145 16.0533 25.5896 Root (meristematic zone) 13.054 13.054 13.054 Root (apex) 24.46425 23.1774 25.7511 Root (stele) 95.1561 95.1561 95.1561 Root (QC cells) 2.943089511666667 0.0 33.3038 Root (tip) 16.510166666666667 10.702 19.4417