condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	97.19474	18.5723	261.953
Ovule	58.90038076923077	25.6019	79.7789
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	85.45976666666667	81.38	89.5801
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	87.5346	76.5559	97.53
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	77.85153333333334	66.1265	86.2598
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	65.9335	43.8226	78.7396
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	87.39493333333333	62.7505	102.067
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	24.2382	18.5647	30.6667
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	17.8258	12.2448	27.6673
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	4.152356	2.85095	5.51295
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	6.954253333333333	4.51658	10.497
Sperm	0.5386316666666666	0.385416	0.669007
Pollen tube (Col-0)	2.24906	1.85927	2.59184
Flower (receptacles)	56.178275	52.8377	61.0794
Flower (floral buds)	43.7302	43.7302	43.7302
Flower (sepals)	39.04645	36.844	40.6827
Flower (petals)	54.65505	54.3821	54.928
Flower (stamen filaments)	63.632099999999994	61.8229	65.4413
Flower (anthers)	32.457116666666664	11.7891	69.736
Flower (carpels)	55.0847	35.5297	67.9406
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	57.31635	55.5326	59.1001
Pedicel	47.9364	46.5455	49.3273
Axis of the inflorescence	65.9646	61.7657	70.1635
Silique	40.28986666666667	31.8936	51.9781
Silique (senescent)	13.46405	12.2178	14.7103
Pods of siliques	40.2725	30.8219	47.8484
Pods of siliques (senescent)	41.4805	39.2088	43.7522
Embryo	88.2304	88.2304	88.2304
Endosperm	117.68916	46.8189	179.659
Seed	7.9859	6.13608	9.38683
Seed (young)	69.4647	53.7261	92.122
Seed (germinating)	67.58251666666666	43.6745	93.8979
Seedling	41.5247	33.4256	59.5659
Seedling (etiolated)	50.61885	47.9938	58.75
Meristem	57.95474	16.2506	90.868
Stem (internode)	64.11055	62.5143	65.7068
Stem (internode, senescent)	45.16045	44.0174	46.3035
Stems	51.52478529411765	32.888	75.9014
Leaf (rosette)	43.063050000000004	26.0209	59.5822
Epidermis cells	32.57045	22.2124	42.9285
Mature guard cells	50.3317	32.7047	67.9587
Root (differentiation zone)	52.1066	52.1066	52.1066
Root (elongation zone)	107.82485	75.4987	140.151
Root (meristematic zone)	77.324	77.324	77.324
Root (apex)	137.1765	124.566	149.787
Root (stele)	107.164	107.164	107.164
Root (QC cells)	14.45199305	0.0	51.9365
Root (tip)	85.5776	45.3018	110.568