condition mean min max Egg cell 3.23277486 0.0112096 9.33676 Ovule 32.80363076923077 15.302 49.2292 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 4.794263333333333 2.83456 6.18007 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 2.28751 1.61162 2.93081 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 4.2240166666666665 3.22492 5.42165 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 2.95682 1.51303 4.63898 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 4.2556666666666665 1.54986 6.72639 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 2.33511 2.05251 2.57165 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 1.019558 0.319514 1.70267 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.7567906 0.552452 1.28302 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.21942383333333332 0.0357815 0.519318 Sperm 1.1839381666666666 0.990439 1.45747 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.23241536666666665 0.0472001 0.353245 Flower (receptacles) 17.8179375 15.5319 21.2425 Flower (floral buds) 32.885 32.885 32.885 Flower (sepals) 10.569565 9.41112 12.1483 Flower (petals) 3.1867099999999997 2.86692 3.5065 Flower (stamen filaments) 7.2609200000000005 6.9599 7.56194 Flower (anthers) 4.775547833333333 0.901506 11.9679 Flower (carpels) 27.204935714285714 18.6116 44.5212 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 1.932245 1.69332 2.17117 Pedicel 9.258835 8.78689 9.73078 Axis of the inflorescence 8.7898 8.49159 9.08801 Silique 10.15739 3.14965 24.5953 Silique (senescent) 6.14302 5.43946 6.84658 Pods of siliques 13.55807625 7.13123 22.5922 Pods of siliques (senescent) 83.01845 76.3798 89.6571 Embryo 5.0229 5.0229 5.0229 Endosperm 2.174875 1.31972 3.77866 Seed 1.34656575 0.850278 1.99321 Seed (young) 14.602109 7.91581 20.7953 Seed (germinating) 8.078561666666667 5.79582 10.1602 Seedling 19.528068 6.62029 49.7378 Seedling (etiolated) 2.774871666666667 2.33316 3.42272 Meristem 9.102482 3.28132 20.3813 Stem (internode) 3.73252 3.34084 4.1242 Stem (internode, senescent) 41.6606 39.0228 44.2984 Stems 15.123048088235294 3.12636 53.3389 Leaf (rosette) 28.75108285714286 8.44176 51.2529 Epidermis cells 4.859085 3.82343 5.89474 Mature guard cells 2.866879 0.634958 5.0988 Root (differentiation zone) 4.68916 4.68916 4.68916 Root (elongation zone) 3.9898249999999997 3.76808 4.21157 Root (meristematic zone) 4.69575 4.69575 4.69575 Root (apex) 2.56438 2.46052 2.66824 Root (stele) 0.0685595 0.0685595 0.0685595 Root (QC cells) 7.194189166666667 0.0 83.491 Root (tip) 2.6700633333333332 2.42301 2.88341