condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	67.46871	12.6543	104.555
Ovule	104.19531923076923	51.8217	160.793
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	76.9859	67.7123	85.6351
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	67.81376666666667	62.5192	74.1725
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	59.56003333333334	44.0099	69.1761
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	26.073166666666665	25.5386	27.0806
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	58.3338	49.6369	65.1057
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	3.6318466666666667	2.71837	4.93423
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	2.2926233333333332	1.68236	3.40654
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	1.176789	0.539093	2.59884
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	1.7117033333333334	1.00132	3.07434
Sperm	2.879461666666667	2.39526	3.1663
Pollen tube (Col-0)	0.6262983333333333	0.239539	1.29676
Flower (receptacles)	89.05793750000001	84.049	94.4904
Flower (floral buds)	132.21	132.21	132.21
Flower (sepals)	57.664525	48.5527	73.3593
Flower (petals)	36.2646	33.8074	38.7218
Flower (stamen filaments)	24.7854	23.3483	26.2225
Flower (anthers)	18.485583333333334	2.07209	55.2576
Flower (carpels)	112.50537857142857	93.2966	162.61
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	44.6392	40.9341	48.3443
Pedicel	118.51750000000001	108.76	128.275
Axis of the inflorescence	150.49849999999998	150.063	150.934
Silique	64.65031111111111	41.5455	91.6636
Silique (senescent)	42.359350000000006	40.3665	44.3522
Pods of siliques	64.622325	44.812	83.9006
Pods of siliques (senescent)	31.70335	31.4261	31.9806
Embryo	72.1399	72.1399	72.1399
Endosperm	78.37442	35.966	116.274
Seed	36.189275	25.0177	44.499
Seed (young)	59.63012	38.3439	81.0344
Seed (germinating)	99.87643333333334	42.7079	139.181
Seedling	69.21102	26.6575	156.187
Seedling (etiolated)	54.80971666666667	49.8021	62.3896
Meristem	68.84563	24.9491	95.8602
Stem (internode)	108.259	101.473	115.045
Stem (internode, senescent)	212.829	203.639	222.019
Stems	85.84570352941176	6.67628	177.624
Leaf (rosette)	61.99242142857143	38.3952	77.983
Epidermis cells	10.154819999999999	6.85964	13.45
Mature guard cells	1.8271990000000002	0.654568	2.99983
Root (differentiation zone)	21.1847	21.1847	21.1847
Root (elongation zone)	62.208600000000004	33.6925	90.7247
Root (meristematic zone)	251.29	251.29	251.29
Root (apex)	102.8901	90.9792	114.801
Root (stele)	98.6448	98.6448	98.6448
Root (QC cells)	41.79939269166667	0.0	202.398
Root (tip)	103.17376666666667	96.8194	115.429