condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	42.745074	0.0	103.284
Ovule	72.66356153846154	57.7019	96.9378
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	47.6948	43.1085	52.9477
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	51.75206666666667	34.6668	74.6645
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	100.17646666666667	84.44	127.918
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	143.10266666666666	131.87	161.598
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	70.99296666666666	67.8171	76.6453
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	22.063066666666668	15.4712	26.4949
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	14.089366666666667	9.7633	20.2152
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	4.12873	1.57662	7.35548
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	5.8012500000000005	4.11005	8.96826
Sperm	0.0161249	0.0	0.0967494
Pollen tube (Col-0)	22.941466666666667	16.9514	26.3266
Flower (receptacles)	81.7776875	75.1823	90.872
Flower (floral buds)	284.518	284.518	284.518
Flower (sepals)	135.265	106.335	174.772
Flower (petals)	461.779	443.151	480.407
Flower (stamen filaments)	505.0795	484.24	525.919
Flower (anthers)	57.136716666666665	20.3867	124.483
Flower (carpels)	88.02662857142857	69.4974	116.66
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	278.7285	272.852	284.605
Pedicel	104.03045	96.6489	111.412
Axis of the inflorescence	132.678	113.014	152.342
Silique	141.91258888888888	82.0273	187.112
Silique (senescent)	36.47935	33.8817	39.077
Pods of siliques	138.2367875	92.6033	165.991
Pods of siliques (senescent)	168.8705	167.374	170.367
Embryo	40.069	40.069	40.069
Endosperm	18.509413	8.84515	41.9676
Seed	24.2884	19.0982	30.0977
Seed (young)	111.82871	77.704	131.535
Seed (germinating)	134.03983333333335	123.099	144.299
Seedling	79.87584	62.4599	113.935
Seedling (etiolated)	129.14283333333333	109.502	143.126
Meristem	129.58369	71.472	195.013
Stem (internode)	247.627	244.998	250.256
Stem (internode, senescent)	91.7973	87.4121	96.1825
Stems	118.3677205882353	66.5233	269.812
Leaf (rosette)	62.65201428571429	37.1271	91.4094
Epidermis cells	3.052755	1.29507	4.81044
Mature guard cells	0.2673265	0.158589	0.376064
Root (differentiation zone)	102.924	102.924	102.924
Root (elongation zone)	186.32150000000001	177.81	194.833
Root (meristematic zone)	65.7898	65.7898	65.7898
Root (apex)	163.17149999999998	162.023	164.32
Root (stele)	119.985	119.985	119.985
Root (QC cells)	11.003937241666666	0.0	63.6307
Root (tip)	92.13366666666667	85.1228	102.871