condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	28.808287999999997	0.64658	57.7099
Ovule	38.10758846153846	30.7194	47.2941
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	53.633266666666664	51.0029	56.6844
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	82.47326666666667	80.3914	84.8845
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	62.33023333333333	57.4456	64.915
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	69.36383333333333	58.3024	80.4199
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	84.69393333333333	76.828	95.264
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	58.6091	53.3042	63.7982
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	65.71366666666667	57.129	76.9018
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	27.68608	20.2694	33.6376
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	51.47246666666667	45.5213	58.3571
Sperm	12.074368333333334	9.35331	15.6423
Pollen tube (Col-0)	11.550733333333334	10.997	12.1973
Flower (receptacles)	28.8497	27.5158	30.7314
Flower (floral buds)	32.1176	32.1176	32.1176
Flower (sepals)	18.9009	17.899	20.6655
Flower (petals)	27.66035	27.348	27.9727
Flower (stamen filaments)	28.26655	27.8968	28.6363
Flower (anthers)	22.16125	16.0434	29.3662
Flower (carpels)	35.323992857142855	26.9352	43.526
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	26.5197	23.3829	29.6565
Pedicel	19.04175	18.372	19.7115
Axis of the inflorescence	26.550449999999998	23.8857	29.2152
Silique	24.992633333333334	20.2501	30.0344
Silique (senescent)	7.721455000000001	7.71422	7.72869
Pods of siliques	21.419775	17.3931	26.4779
Pods of siliques (senescent)	18.589399999999998	18.3796	18.7992
Embryo	41.1015	41.1015	41.1015
Endosperm	40.4723	25.5227	49.7708
Seed	6.10899	5.12486	7.48929
Seed (young)	26.49622	18.394	33.6809
Seed (germinating)	31.68445	18.5827	43.4906
Seedling	20.28106	12.4307	28.9652
Seedling (etiolated)	31.88125	28.3469	37.4291
Meristem	29.88337333333333	17.4179	39.5342
Stem (internode)	31.017249999999997	30.5081	31.5264
Stem (internode, senescent)	27.54185	23.3796	31.7041
Stems	29.554360294117647	15.0954	39.9651
Leaf (rosette)	20.791692857142856	15.0794	25.9713
Epidermis cells	7.295865	7.18878	7.40295
Mature guard cells	6.0694295	0.218559	11.9203
Root (differentiation zone)	31.8908	31.8908	31.8908
Root (elongation zone)	61.1126	45.5214	76.7038
Root (meristematic zone)	45.9499	45.9499	45.9499
Root (apex)	45.68175	43.2976	48.0659
Root (stele)	137.906	137.906	137.906
Root (QC cells)	24.8855809	0.0579035	85.9099
Root (tip)	40.30383333333333	32.638	45.9598