condition mean min max Egg cell 14.8005802 0.0 43.6363 Ovule 25.167776923076925 13.8014 39.4809 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 26.469666666666665 24.8343 27.308 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 23.4507 21.5398 26.0747 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 21.465666666666667 20.4224 22.7619 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 20.3995 19.9272 21.261 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 25.7624 24.3388 26.8153 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 21.985566666666667 20.1439 24.8788 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 25.01513333333333 23.4227 27.299 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 25.32422 24.5695 26.1015 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 31.176466666666666 29.9411 31.807 Sperm 4.786628333333333 3.6388 5.84387 Pollen tube (Col-0) 16.433433333333333 12.2068 19.5975 Flower (receptacles) 18.0392375 15.7531 20.1001 Flower (floral buds) 26.308 26.308 26.308 Flower (sepals) 23.950475 18.7345 28.2739 Flower (petals) 39.35965 38.4705 40.2488 Flower (stamen filaments) 36.8965 34.1565 39.6365 Flower (anthers) 27.02015 21.4095 29.8118 Flower (carpels) 32.031842857142856 21.7242 56.7219 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 21.32255 20.1044 22.5407 Pedicel 18.412599999999998 17.2772 19.548 Axis of the inflorescence 19.679850000000002 19.336 20.0237 Silique 21.3949 18.7231 24.0875 Silique (senescent) 31.539099999999998 31.0622 32.016 Pods of siliques 20.5901375 16.161 25.9266 Pods of siliques (senescent) 48.95445 46.622 51.2869 Embryo 16.191 16.191 16.191 Endosperm 11.194092 3.93181 14.8556 Seed 36.73825 29.3326 44.15 Seed (young) 23.34238 16.1524 29.5569 Seed (germinating) 19.630083333333335 13.8589 25.2041 Seedling 16.623606 9.88273 29.7248 Seedling (etiolated) 26.989116666666668 22.9101 34.786 Meristem 16.633944666666668 7.23214 31.696 Stem (internode) 22.6092 22.4146 22.8038 Stem (internode, senescent) 32.01345 31.051 32.9759 Stems 21.350989558823528 5.08025 41.6224 Leaf (rosette) 32.14433571428572 11.6202 51.2094 Epidermis cells 2.27137 1.92645 2.61629 Mature guard cells 4.674065000000001 2.18949 7.15864 Root (differentiation zone) 25.2501 25.2501 25.2501 Root (elongation zone) 37.87135 36.9546 38.7881 Root (meristematic zone) 32.0572 32.0572 32.0572 Root (apex) 29.254350000000002 28.841 29.6677 Root (stele) 119.072 119.072 119.072 Root (QC cells) 18.991148875 0.0 160.789 Root (tip) 24.552266666666668 23.8432 25.6081