condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	45.150988	5.28558	111.782
Ovule	56.399469230769235	28.6626	75.3563
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	94.59006666666667	91.6406	98.1909
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	93.5438	79.2159	111.899
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	95.72676666666666	88.1207	104.109
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	89.42686666666667	80.9165	98.8904
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	96.12066666666666	80.656	110.984
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	40.7382	32.4158	45.3946
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	35.15476666666667	25.2902	43.506
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	8.749966	6.25786	12.4215
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	22.987	19.0195	25.9257
Sperm	0.0528212	0.0	0.0969389
Pollen tube (Col-0)	0.906181	0.535073	1.17494
Flower (receptacles)	42.960125	38.69	46.1088
Flower (floral buds)	19.1747	19.1747	19.1747
Flower (sepals)	32.79185	27.3432	38.3272
Flower (petals)	42.65225	41.2432	44.0613
Flower (stamen filaments)	46.3827	41.8458	50.9196
Flower (anthers)	13.384898333333332	5.57611	25.6988
Flower (carpels)	46.89207142857143	34.7667	67.9035
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	46.167100000000005	45.1668	47.1674
Pedicel	37.6618	37.0027	38.3209
Axis of the inflorescence	49.23835	45.0779	53.3988
Silique	29.29681111111111	25.8734	34.7621
Silique (senescent)	4.6340900000000005	4.01888	5.2493
Pods of siliques	25.4153125	23.6189	31.7397
Pods of siliques (senescent)	26.542749999999998	23.1257	29.9598
Embryo	54.9714	54.9714	54.9714
Endosperm	29.733934	7.85696	43.6159
Seed	2.1905	1.14491	3.67967
Seed (young)	31.464940000000002	26.4102	41.8545
Seed (germinating)	79.54953333333333	45.0985	106.993
Seedling	33.0352	16.0055	47.6335
Seedling (etiolated)	57.74936666666667	53.7314	64.0517
Meristem	51.61483333333334	25.7982	68.6861
Stem (internode)	37.06325	33.0172	41.1093
Stem (internode, senescent)	35.3417	32.7772	37.9062
Stems	44.86231029411765	12.0371	74.5867
Leaf (rosette)	38.64765714285714	28.4562	46.4062
Epidermis cells	30.58605	30.1491	31.023
Mature guard cells	82.85865	41.8963	123.821
Root (differentiation zone)	65.0988	65.0988	65.0988
Root (elongation zone)	90.05425	77.1005	103.008
Root (meristematic zone)	107.438	107.438	107.438
Root (apex)	70.2881	67.0802	73.496
Root (stele)	97.4964	97.4964	97.4964
Root (QC cells)	37.67872261666667	0.0	229.765
Root (tip)	100.19746666666667	86.5974	109.092