condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	28.89903	11.9046	46.9287
Ovule	29.247303846153844	17.8711	39.7148
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	22.752266666666667	21.6626	23.8627
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	32.60856666666667	29.8629	34.1831
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	19.542199999999998	16.7125	24.2017
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	15.065233333333333	11.8516	17.617
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	25.3702	18.8707	36.0929
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	1.9508933333333334	1.10216	3.18336
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	1.6795266666666666	1.0096	2.5766
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	0.28099812	0.0798535	0.833155
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	0.4129225	0.0502475	1.08396
Sperm	0.007070216666666667	0.0	0.024917
Pollen tube (Col-0)	0.8818003333333333	0.416749	1.60915
Flower (receptacles)	31.207024999999998	28.4827	34.7968
Flower (floral buds)	17.6736	17.6736	17.6736
Flower (sepals)	17.70735	16.7365	19.0605
Flower (petals)	21.333849999999998	21.247	21.4207
Flower (stamen filaments)	24.263800000000003	23.67	24.8576
Flower (anthers)	8.313888333333333	1.99178	20.4065
Flower (carpels)	32.75160714285715	21.9822	44.4566
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	25.44925	24.0423	26.8562
Pedicel	17.86775	16.6761	19.0594
Axis of the inflorescence	22.924	21.5299	24.3181
Silique	21.2937	16.6614	31.9917
Silique (senescent)	5.428265	5.2399	5.61663
Pods of siliques	19.13485	16.7831	22.3934
Pods of siliques (senescent)	24.295499999999997	23.4653	25.1257
Embryo	36.7147	36.7147	36.7147
Endosperm	30.15547	17.4928	47.0652
Seed	3.770935	3.0417	4.53203
Seed (young)	28.80246	24.3395	32.4052
Seed (germinating)	17.7807	10.8699	24.5881
Seedling	14.85436	12.3986	17.0753
Seedling (etiolated)	26.857599999999998	24.9516	28.9306
Meristem	25.997133333333334	19.2028	32.1854
Stem (internode)	20.6342	19.5405	21.7279
Stem (internode, senescent)	22.343899999999998	22.2942	22.3936
Stems	28.21148088235294	13.0139	44.0432
Leaf (rosette)	19.983657142857144	14.1246	23.8176
Epidermis cells	3.9192549999999997	2.55824	5.28027
Mature guard cells	3.6376799999999996	1.20886	6.0665
Root (differentiation zone)	44.9305	44.9305	44.9305
Root (elongation zone)	53.915549999999996	48.3216	59.5095
Root (meristematic zone)	27.602	27.602	27.602
Root (apex)	37.347049999999996	36.3453	38.3488
Root (stele)	114.496	114.496	114.496
Root (QC cells)	17.496382166666667	0.0	107.252
Root (tip)	23.380966666666666	17.7096	27.5047