condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	0.63759493	0.0	2.18789
Ovule	23.431178846153845	1.79009	41.2313
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	1.5289966666666668	1.47434	1.60511
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	2.08086	1.32686	2.55085
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	2.221006666666667	2.07382	2.38392
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	2.5621866666666664	1.77907	3.37308
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	2.2702299999999997	1.89362	2.84359
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	0.5441533333333334	0.26209	0.747816
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	0.385931	0.302833	0.442432
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	0.12599586	0.0352719	0.295688
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	0.05939733333333333	0.0	0.178192
Sperm	0.08768946666666666	0.0339839	0.169856
Pollen tube (Col-0)	0.023461366666666667	0.0	0.0703841
Flower (receptacles)	79.774775	69.2745	89.8936
Flower (floral buds)	48.5384	48.5384	48.5384
Flower (sepals)	3.2168125	2.28693	4.59272
Flower (petals)	1.7766950000000001	1.58636	1.96703
Flower (stamen filaments)	13.216845	8.04059	18.3931
Flower (anthers)	0.725402	0.209964	1.81732
Flower (carpels)	39.80675	24.5004	56.7056
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	3.386045	3.33286	3.43923
Pedicel	81.2903	80.0204	82.5602
Axis of the inflorescence	83.98275000000001	83.078	84.8875
Silique	13.256606666666666	6.31969	17.5471
Silique (senescent)	0.8400305	0.79766	0.882401
Pods of siliques	10.597943749999999	8.19762	12.3954
Pods of siliques (senescent)	5.16059	4.96457	5.35661
Embryo	4.98443	4.98443	4.98443
Endosperm	0.17595765	0.0	0.441109
Seed	0.61486175	0.327665	0.808237
Seed (young)	4.780953	2.03262	8.45812
Seed (germinating)	3.684325	3.19244	4.87366
Seedling	5.196886	2.86979	7.96679
Seedling (etiolated)	5.532278333333333	3.12189	15.2135
Meristem	163.57370333333333	76.249	243.015
Stem (internode)	91.21865	81.1393	101.298
Stem (internode, senescent)	110.197	109.045	111.349
Stems	71.83090588235294	42.0733	112.508
Leaf (rosette)	0.45926314285714287	0.311768	0.665472
Epidermis cells	0.1304155	0.0	0.260831
Mature guard cells	0.1704165	0.0	0.340833
Root (differentiation zone)	0.169218	0.169218	0.169218
Root (elongation zone)	1.363105	1.1062	1.62001
Root (meristematic zone)	1.11356	1.11356	1.11356
Root (apex)	0.6305655	0.628378	0.632753
Root (stele)	0.512139	0.512139	0.512139
Root (QC cells)	0.06521773333333333	0.0	0.651416
Root (tip)	2.11632	1.8135	2.30734