condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	40.044756	0.0	111.986
Ovule	24.114096153846155	18.1741	30.2198
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	58.96496666666667	53.7465	62.0773
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	68.07153333333333	57.7134	79.6446
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	53.14913333333333	48.9221	57.4064
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	44.7243	31.3953	57.0755
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	61.038000000000004	47.215	71.655
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	11.62475	8.44895	13.4944
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	5.388086666666666	2.84605	9.82878
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	2.559662	1.47726	4.89042
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	1.4434690333333333	0.0563371	3.72699
Sperm	4.961523333333333	2.982	6.44089
Pollen tube (Col-0)	4.340703333333334	3.29904	5.55664
Flower (receptacles)	33.644875	30.7213	37.15
Flower (floral buds)	20.6058	20.6058	20.6058
Flower (sepals)	24.59465	23.9176	26.1499
Flower (petals)	27.8562	27.7176	27.9948
Flower (stamen filaments)	22.7954	20.1327	25.4581
Flower (anthers)	16.445265	3.77672	39.8129
Flower (carpels)	28.52522857142857	18.6916	40.7687
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	26.99745	26.669	27.3259
Pedicel	19.2293	17.6653	20.7933
Axis of the inflorescence	22.9593	21.9995	23.9191
Silique	22.956377777777778	18.3143	30.1744
Silique (senescent)	4.9406099999999995	4.91191	4.96931
Pods of siliques	22.0446	16.0252	30.1076
Pods of siliques (senescent)	19.0693	18.5926	19.546
Embryo	26.929	26.929	26.929
Endosperm	52.76274	10.6579	86.2593
Seed	4.0961775	3.71437	4.89934
Seed (young)	19.27781	12.2979	24.5024
Seed (germinating)	33.690866666666665	30.2357	41.0142
Seedling	20.7458	13.5336	34.0225
Seedling (etiolated)	26.125883333333334	24.4087	29.2249
Meristem	25.831220000000002	16.3731	54.529
Stem (internode)	26.82245	25.523	28.1219
Stem (internode, senescent)	60.19925	54.3694	66.0291
Stems	31.860332205882354	2.67439	50.2756
Leaf (rosette)	31.01025	15.9479	49.6564
Epidermis cells	4.93397	3.63315	6.23479
Mature guard cells	4.51616	0.06304	8.96928
Root (differentiation zone)	38.3523	38.3523	38.3523
Root (elongation zone)	57.85735	54.0002	61.7145
Root (meristematic zone)	28.1943	28.1943	28.1943
Root (apex)	38.0801	37.0294	39.1308
Root (stele)	96.5128	96.5128	96.5128
Root (QC cells)	34.386162883333334	0.0	196.463
Root (tip)	33.0146	30.2312	34.5019